The People of Southeast Colorado Bring Back Music at The Junction Concert Festival

Description: Featuring Performances By DJ Trent Ryan...Daniel Romero ...Hyperdrive ...Holbrook... DMINQ... Prophicizer... Los Creyentes De La Familia... The Night Shift Band... The Break Room... and Special Guests...
The People of Southeast Colorado Bring Back Music at The Junction Concert Festival
Music at The Junction Returns Independence Day Weekend. Performances From Ark Valley Entertainment, Hyperdrive, Daniel Romero, DMINQ, Prophecizer, Holbrook, Los Creyentes De La Familia, The Night Shift Band, and The Break Room. Great Food From Creekside Smokehouse, Domino's Pizza, Chico's, Famous Boys Food Truck, and More. Majority of Proceeds Benefit Grow Rocky Ford Economic and Community Development. Find Out More on Tickets Available at
Join The People of Southeast Colorado as We Bring Back Music at The Junction Independence Day Weekend. Performances From Ark Valley Entertainment, Hyperdrive, Daniel Romero, DMINQ, Prophecizer, Holbrook, Los Creyentes De La Familia, The Night Shift Band, and The Break Room Tickets Available Now at The Rocky Ford Office of Economic and Community Development, Rocky Ford Chamber of Commerce, La Junta Chamber of Commerce, at Creekside Smokehouse and online at
Music at The Junction - Ticket Vendors:
1) Rocky Ford Office of Economic and Community Development
408 N. Main St. #3
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
(719) 469-0373 (Please call ahead)
2) Rocky Ford Chamber of Commerce
105 N. Main St.
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
(719) 254-7483
Hours: 10:00-12:00, 1:00-3:00 Mon.-Fri.
3) La Junta Chamber of Commerce
110 Santa Fe Avenue
La Junta, CO 81050
(719) 384-7411
4) Creekside Smokehouse, LLC
26700 W. US Hwy 50
La Junta, CO 81050
(719) 928-2273
5) Online Ticket Sales:
Creekside Smokehouse - Music At The Junction Sponsor
Total Concept - Music at The Junction Sponsor
H & R Block - Music at The Junction Sponsor