Colorado Medicaid Terminates MedRide Contract Over Safety and Compliance Violations

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Colorado Medicaid Terminates Contract with Transportation Provider MedRide
MedRide jeopardized the public health, safety and welfare of Colorado Medicaid members by not complying with state and federal regulations
Denver, CO - Today, the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) terminated its contract with MedRide LLC to provide Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) services to Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) members statewide. MedRide has consistently failed to meet numerous state and federal regulations, jeopardizing the health and safety of Health First Colorado members.
Reasons for the termination include MedRide’s failure to comply with state and federal requirements and the related Corrective Action Plan the company agreed to in November 2024. The plan directed MedRide to complete credentialing and revalidation, including driver background checks and vehicle inspections, no later than February 1, 2025. MedRide’s failure to revalidate jeopardized the health, safety, and welfare of Health First Colorado members because HCPF could not verify the safety of vehicles used and whether those vehicles were insured, or evaluate whether drivers were licensed, passed drug testing, had clean driving records, and passed the required criminal background checks.
“I want to reiterate that HCPF’s top priorities are the safety and well-being of Health First Colorado members and the sound stewardship of our safety net coverage programs,” said HCPF Medicaid Director Adela Flores-Brennan. “It is for these reasons that we have moved to terminate MedRide after they failed to comply with state and federal requirements.”
Other factors leading to MedRide’s termination include their failure to submit “clean claims” with accurate and complete documentation.
Further, the Department identified claims that indicate additional violations such as transporting more than one individual at a time, transporting unaccompanied minors, claims that did not match the documented mileage, and claims with no corresponding medical appointment.
MedRide’s termination is effective retroactively to February 7, 2025. HCPF will not make payment for covered services provided to Health First Colorado members on or after this date. MedRide may appeal this termination to the Office of Administrative Courts within 30 days from February 12, 2025, but is not allowed to provide NEMT services to Health First Colorado members while its appeal is pending.